Voting in the primary elections

Info for voters


Who is eligible to vote? 

Eligible to vote are persons that:

  • Are 16 years or older on 13 February 2022 and
  • have permanent residence (lögheimili) in Reykjavik and are either:
  • and fulfill these conditions on Friday, 4 February 2022 at 23:59.

When do I vote?

The online voting system will be open from Saturday, 12 February at 08:00 (8 am) until Sunday, 13 February at 15:00 (3 pm). 

The results are expected to be announced in the afternoon or early evening of Sunday, 13 February.

How do I vote?

It is an online vote on Voters log in to the voting system with their electronic ID (rafræn skilríki) or Íslykill. Voters fill in the ballot by assigning their preferred candidates into seats from 1 to 6. Voters must assign at least candidates to four seats.

To hand in an empty ballot, the voter marks the field "Skila auðu".

Voters can contact the election committee at any time with questions regarding the voting system. Either via e-mail [email protected] or telephone 414-2200.

Foreign nationals

The right to vote is not dependent on citizenship.

Persons who fulfill the conditions of being a member of Samfylkingin or a registered supporter of the party, having permanent residence (lögheimili) in Reykjavik, and being 16 years or older can vote in the primary, regardless of their citizenship. 

Registering into Samfylkingin - the Social Democrats of Iceland

Party membership

In order to have the right to vote as a new party member, a membership application must have been filed by Friday, 4 February 2022, at 23:59. 

A membership application is filed electronically at First, the applicant must log in with her/his/its own electronic ID (rafrænt skilríki) or Íslykill. When logged in, a form appears, which the applicant fills in and chooses their preferred party association (aðildarfélag).

By registering as a party member, you become a full member of Samfylkingin and are eligible to vote in party meetings, etc.

Registered supporters

In order to have the right to vote as a registered supporter, you must register your support before Friday, 4 February 2022, at 23:59. 

Support declarations are filed electronically at The supporter must log in with her/his/its own electronic ID (rafrænt skilríki) or Íslykill. When logged in, a form appears which the applicant fills in and in the scroll box "Hvaða aðildarfélag?" he/she/it chooses "Stuðningsaðili".

By registering as a supporter, you will be put on a list of supporters. Further information on the rights and obligations of supporters can be seen here: