Reykjavik is on the right path
On May 14th residents will vote for City Council. Samfylking in Reykjavik wants to continue growing the city with an emphasis on quality of life for residents and ensure that this quality of life is for all residents. It matters.

A new housing deal – housing for all
We achieved a groundbreaking transportation deal for the capital area together with other municipalities in the capitol area and the Icelandic state, now we need a new housing deal to really change things. The past 4 years have been one the greatest periods of development in the history of Reykjavík. The population has grown rapidly and never before have so many apartments been built in the city. And now, Samfylking in Reykjavik wants to double its previous development plan by building 10,000 apartments in the next 5 years. This is possible with a united effort. With this new housing deal for the capital area we want to ensure that there is a varied range of housing. To do this Reykjavik needs the national government and neighbouring municipalities to finally come along towards this goal and to begin building social housing, and increase the amount of apartments offered by non-profit rental companies, and for lower-income groups, students and senior citizens. The old worker’s housing scheme, which was abandoned by right wing leadership, has been rebooted in Reykjavik through partnership with the Bjarg Housing Association. During this time the waiting list for social housing has decreased by half. Samfylking wants to continue on this path and get more municipalities and construction companies involved in the project. It matters.

We invest in our neighbourhoods
Investments in our neighbourhoods have never been higher than in recent years. Community residents now enjoy new football pitches, a large multi-purpose sports hall for handball and basketball as well as greatly improved facilities for gymnastics. Neigbourhood libraries are changing into diverse cultural centres, there are more bike paths, more charging stations for electric cars, new playgrounds, swimming pools, renovated school yards, squares, parks, trails with fitness equipment, and a greener and prettier city are some of the things that we have invested in. We have to continue this. The Green Plan is Reykjavik’s investment plan until 2030. The plan outlines green investments and dynamic infrastructure developments in all City districts with the clear vision of a carbon neutral city. Samfylking in Reykjavik wants to continue working according to the Green Plan and will invest billions in the neighbourhoods we already live in. It is an investment in the residents quality of life, the environment, accessibility, schools, culture, green areas, the core of neighbourhoods, climate action and better air quality- just to name a few. Ideas for expansion and spreading out of new neighbourhoods works against this plan and will sabotage the investments already completed in our neighbourhoods. It is not possible to do both, invest billions in new districts and in established, older districts. Samfylking in Reykjavik would rather improve our established districts. That’s the Green Plan. It matters.

Borgarlína – let’s do it!
Samfylking in Reykjavik wants to finish Borgarlína and do it well. This concept is also known as Bus Rapid Transit. With the transport deal, we secured the financing of public transit projects in the capital area amounting to ISK 120 billion. About half of this goes to Borgarlína and the development of infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians. Borgarlína's design is well underway and construction will begin within a year. At the same time there will be changes to the Hlíða neighbourhood by redirecting traffic on Miklabraut underground and making a beautiful, green, relaxing and attractive area on the surface. We will also connect the 2 Voga neighbourhoods by also moving Sæbraut underground and creating an exciting area between the 2 areas. Samfylking in Reykjavik wants to complete this project. It matters.

A better city for children
When it comes to education, leisure activities and services for children Reykjavik is at the forefront. But good can always be made better. Samfylking in Reykjavik wants to continue down the same path and to find ways to create a more child-friendly City which all children have access to. Back in the day there were no leisure grants. Samfylking in Hafnarfjörður was the first to offer subsidised sports and leisure for children. Samfylking in Reykjavik raised the amount of the leisure grant to 50.000 ISK. Now we think it is time to raise this amount to 75.000/year and up to 100.000/year for children from low income families. We also propose that unused leisure grants remain in the district to be used on projects aimed at increasing the participation of children in sports and leisure activities and support children in that community. We tried this in Breiðholt and it was a success. We want to promote and implement the Better City for Children project in all districts of the city. It includes extensive cooperation between the Reykjavík School and Leisure Department and the Reykjavík Welfare Department to move services for children out to the neighbourhoods and is based on close collaboration between professionals in schools and city district centres. Before the last election Samfylking pledged to bridge the gap between paternity/maternity leave and preschool within 6 years. This goal will be achieved a year ahead of schedule, and in fact to a significant extent by next autumn. To make this a reality and fully staff the preschools with qualified employees, we have improved the conditions and working environment in the city's schools, but we want to do even better in the coming years.